Groveland Family & Crisis Counseling

Faith-based Therapy and Evaluation Services for Central Florida

Got a DUI or Reckless Driving conviction?  

​​GFC Counseling is an Approved Treatment Provider for:
West Central Florida Driver Improvement, Inc.                                Florida Safety Council, Inc.                                                                Tri-County Human Services, Inc. 

GFC Counseling accepts clients from all central Florida probation offices (misdemeanor & felony), including the following:                Lake, Sumter, Polk, Orange, Osceola, Marion, Hernando, Hillsborough & Volusia counties.

Neurofeedback Testing -- Now Available at GFC Counseling!

The Neurofeedback Test is a non-invasive, drug-free technique that helps quiet the brain.  Used in conjunction with counseling, neurofeedback may help with the following:

     ADD / ADHD - child, teen, or adult

     Anger Management



     Drug and Alcohol Abuse

     Headaches / Migraines


     Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

     Sexual Issues

     Sleep Disorders

     Slip & fall accident follow-up



     Spiritual Needs


     Tourette's Syndrome

GFC Counseling offers a wide variety of counseling services and programs, including both court-ordered and personal counseling for children, teens, adults, and families
Court Ordered Counseling:
*Child Supervised Visitation for non-custodial parents
*Anger Management (8, 12, or 20 hour courses)
*Divorced Parenting Classes (4-hour)
*Domestic Violence Instruction Classes
*DUI Treatment (Individual & Group Sessions)
*Drug and Alcohol Counseling / Evaluations / Urine Analysis testing
*Psychological & Mental Health Evaluations
*Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course (required for divorces involving minor children)
*Parenting Skills Classes
*Pre-Trial Intervention Services
*Professional Polygraph Services
*Sexual Abuse Testing and Treatment
*Sex Offender Testing, Psychosexual Evaluations & Therapy (a previous provider of more than 20 years with the Florida Dept. of Corrections, now in private practice)
*Substance Abuse Testing and Outpatient Treatment

Personal Counseling:
*ADHD Evaluation and Treatment
*Addictive and Compulsive Behavior Counseling
*Adoptive and Blended Family Counseling
*Anxiety, Depression, and Stress Management Counseling
*Arbitration - Florida Supreme Court trained
*Child Therapy
*Crisis Counseling
*Family Counseling
*Juvenile Evaluation and Treatment
*Life Skills Counseling
*Marriage and Family Counseling and Therapy
*Mediation - County, Family, Dependency, and Appellate
*Pregnancy Prevention Program
*Pre-Marital Counseling
*Psychological Testing and Evaluations
*Reunification Counseling
*Suicide Prevention and Counseling
*Temperament Testing and Therapy
*Women's Issues